Sunday, December 5, 2010

SHHHHH don’t tell Santa

Ok a package came in the mail on Friday and I didn’t have a clue what it was so I opened it, when I saw what was inside I couldn’t help but take it out and play with one of them for a bit… Don’t tell Santa but I am going to be one happy girl come Christmas morning!

(the soft box, not the speed light flash, I already had that)

November 2010 B 027 Flash 2

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kashina’s Rant

Ok I have a serious question for you gals… Does it drive you crazy when you have spent HOURS making something look right in a picture on your computer and THEN when you print the picture it doesn’t look anything like it did on your computer? OR even you look at the picture you spent hours working on, on someone else’s computer and it looks horrible on the other computer? Drive me crazy?!!/photo.php?fbid=10150097180436999&set=a.380223946998.202918.380177376998

Go to that ‘site’ it is on facebook, does that picture look yellow to you on your computer or is it just me? I am sure that person spent time and energy making that picture look fabulous on their own computer, yet on mine it looks like crap! So would you PLEASE let me know when you see a flaw on one of my pictures, chances are I can’t see it on my own computer!

Ok now that my rant is over!!! How are you guys doing with your picture needs/wants/abilities? I am asking Santa for a better lighting system for Christmas, but I don’t know which one to get any ideas? It can’t be too expensive, Santa is a stinge when he is in Dental School :-)

Also, go check out my site I just put up a new family session, aren’t they cute? The middle child didn’t want to be there, but I don’t think most boys like getting their picture taken… truth be known I don’t much like getting my picture taken, I just like memories and my mind on its own doesn’t remember like a camera does.

I hope you guys are doing wonderfully… we need to have another assignment or something we can work on in our different parts of the world to bring us together a bit more… I am working on a few photography props for the new baby, if they EVER get done I will post some pictures of them!



Monday, November 8, 2010

Senior Shoot

So I had the opportunity to take some pictures of my friend's son Zack. This is Zack. He is a senior this year at Hillcrest Highschool here in good ol Ammon. Which mind you we are currently sitting under like 5 inches of snow and it just keeps coming. Anyway...we took these seriously on Tuesday...and it snowed Sunday...UGH. Well while playing with these pictures...I played with the program, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3. If you have never played with that before you should!!! It is a program where you can create a set of pre-made adjustments called a "preset". Then when you upload your photos, this program automatically applies those adjustments to your photos! Fabulous. If you haven't played with it...write me a post and I will show you where to get your free trial and lots of tutorials! Enjoy some of the pics!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Fall Family Pictures!

Hey Ladies!
Well, my calender has been pretty busy, but I finally have had some fun photo shoots. I have taken pictures for one family (below) have a date to take some of another family tomorrow, and have another in the works. Not to mention a friend who is due to have a sweet little boy any day now, and I'm in charge of his birth announcement pics. I think I could get used to this! I love it, it's too much fun! So enjoy the pictures, and feel free to check out the rest of them on my blog! Happy Fall to you all!






Saturday, October 9, 2010

Raspberry Fun!

Hey Pretty Ladies! How are you girls doing? I have been a slacker when it comes to this blog! Raspberries went on sale a week ago at one of the grocery stores I shop at so ofcourse I had to stock up! They were so cute I had to get a few close ups!



Raspberries 20 Weeks 003 Raspberries 20 Weeks 007sharp Raspberries 20 Weeks 010sharp Raspberries 20 Weeks 025

Monday, July 19, 2010

Do 3 year olds ever look at the camera?

Hello Ladies!
  I had the opportunity to take pictures of one of my colleagues little ones this week. She is such a cute kid, but would NEVER look at my camera. I bribed her with cookies, flowers, puppies, you name it! So here are some of the ones I took, any suggestions let me know! Hope you are having fun with your cameras! I wish I had more time, maybe after this whole wedding thing I will! He he he!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It was a dark and stormy night…

… ok maybe it wasn’t totally dark, nor a very stormy night but I still felt like I was in a horror movie! Two days ago, while trying to back up my computer onto my hard drive I did something wrong and LOST everything on my hard drive. I started freaking out, and Todd (my computer guru) wasn’t going to be home for six hours! I was pacing, I couldn’t breath, and every once and a while I would scream, Todd was in exams all day so I couldn’t even ‘chat’ with him on gchat. It had years of my journals, and over a year and a half of pictures and six months of pictures that I hadn’t ‘gotten around’ to backing up onto CD’s yet, I thought I was going to die. Poor C didn’t know what to think. When my Todd got home and took a look at it, turned out I hadn’t even hooked up the hard drive, I had tried to down load my computer to my computer and there wasn’t enough space for it, lol! Needless to say I stole away to the back room and thanked my Heavenly Father with huge sobs.

On to happier things Congrats to Deana and Anna who survived another year of educating young minds, now you can pick up your cameras and shoot everything in sight!

The next assignment I wanted to do was a picture of Spring. It can be anything. I have always loved spring, the snow is finally gone (hopefully) and there are signs of new life everywhere. Out on the farm, there were hundreds of baby calves kicking and playing with each other… almost makes me miss the farm… almost :-)

I don’t know if I already posted this but here is a picture I would have lost and I really like it.



PS Jane for us that live in Vegas and Summer is all but here, take a picture of something that can be either Spring or Summer

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Some of My Favorite Colors

With the desert being in spring bloom, it was nice to see a few flowers with some of my favorite colors!


049 137 087 061 078

Monday, May 10, 2010

Okay, so here are my pictures. I haven't edited them at all, so you all get to see the ugly chips on my kitchen table.

I really enjoyed this assignment. It helped me understand depth of field better. Exposure is such a confusing thing to me, but playing around in manual mode helped me.

I also loved thinking about color. I had to include the pictures of the M&M's I used, because they have GREAT color, and were delicious too. The last one standing was the red one, and that's my favorite color.

I also have a few flower pictures that I took recently that I may add on in the next day or two.

ISO 400 1/60 f3.5

ISO 400 1/50 f3.2

ISO 400 1/60 f4.5

ISO 400 1/60 f3.2

Thanks for the fun assignment Kash!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Assignment

Ok I actually have THREE new assignments, but the first two are for your benefit. If you want you can post them, but you don’t have to. The third I totally want posted.

The first assignment has to do with aperture. If you have already done this before than do worry about it. Put your camera in manual mode and set the shutter speed to any speed you want, I suggest around 1/60 or 1/80 but it doesn’t really matter. Then set up a few items at different distances from you… I used M&Ms and I sat them along the counter going away from me when I did it. Then start at your lowest aperture setting and take a picture at each aperture, then compare your pictures and what is in focus when.

The second assignment is just the opposite. Put your camera in manual mode again (I suggest doing this one outside). Set one aperture size, I suggest around 7 to 14, and then start at the highest shutter speed and take a picture at each speed until you get to one second.


The third assignment (the one I want posted), is to take a pictures of colors… either your favorite color, or just a color that caught your eye, it can be abstract or not. Whatever you would like really. Try if you can to fill as much of the frame as possible with the color.

And that’s about it! Thanks girls!

PS I am going to Canada for a couple of weeks and my parents don’t have internet… seriously they are nearly hobbit people… so I might not be able to post until I get back, but I will see what I can do!




Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hi guys!  My name is Jane, and I'm really excited to be a member of your little group.  :-)

I'm really impressed (and intimidated) by all the pictures you guys have posted!  I have to say that I'm just barely learning about photography.  I have a little point and shoot cannon camera, and have always just used it in auto mode.  I've always wanted to learn more about photography though, but it's just seemed too complicated.

Luckily though, I met Kashina, and she has inspired me to learn more about it.  So I'm just slowly learning about things like aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and depth of field.

I'm excited to have little "assignments" that will hopefully help me to learn more and practice with my camera.

Just please don't laugh at my pictures.  :-)  

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yeah! A New Member!

Hi Girls we have a new member and I am so excited! She has been checking out photography books from the library, and buying photoshop actions, I think she is hooked! Plus I think she is wonderful so that makes me even more excited! I will let her introduce herself and then tomorrow night I will post a new assignment! Yay!

Loves and Huggles

Monday, April 5, 2010

Prindle and Graham Sitting in a Tree...

Hey Deana, I thought I would put a few more of your pics on this site as well. The ones with your hair in your face there was nothing I could do. Maybe some one with some mad skills could and you are MORE than welcome to give the pics to some one to try it out.

Ok I know this one isn't you guys... but how cute is he?





As Corbyn would say "awwwwwww... so Q" (cute)


This one is on the other site in color, I did the select color thing you like on this one. If you want to use this one I can do a better job on it. (like bumb up the color and define the lines a bit better) letta me knowa!


Ok I am off to bed! Loves and Huggles girls... OH and as always, any positive criticism (and not on my spelling ;-) is always welcome!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kiddo Pics

Hey Ladies, here are a few of the pictures I took this weekend of a friend's kids! Enjoy, if you want to see some of the others check out my blog!












