Sunday, January 31, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things!!

Here is a small snapshot of my favorite things...because really some of them change quite often!
So for those of you who know me...KNOW this is my one vice!! I love love love the taste of coffee!! No creamer, no sugar, just plain black coffee! The kind in my cup for this shot was Cinnamon Hazelnut, it was delicious! I even love cute mugs! I got this one from a student this year for christmas!!

My other favorite thing is Chips and Salsa! As you can see, the giant salsa bottle is basically gone! Ken and I will go through one of these bottles of salsa in 2 weeks if not sooner! The chips in the background are a fabulous new find that our friend Laurie told us about finding. They are the best chips ever!! They are completely restaurant quality and the best part they are $1.50 a bag at Walmart!!

My other favorite thing is a challenge! Since I got my camera I have been taking it along with me to watch Ken play his city league basketball. I think that it is such a challenge to get a great shot in sports, most especially basketball as sometimes the game moves quickly! Gym lighting can be a real challenge as well, and learning the settings for your camera in specific places is hard but rewarding! I would love someday to go to various high school games and take pictures of games because then hopefully every player would have an opportunity to have a sweet photo of them playing whatever sport they play! And its fun to be able to scrap these photos for Ken too!

Finally, I saved the best for last! My mom told me that when you get married that becomes your new family, and they are the most important! I may not be married yet, but this is for sure my new family! You can only imagine how hard it is to get all 3 of them looking at the same time!!! These are by far and away the 3 best things that I have ever had happen to me! Moe is for sure the black version of Marley from "Marley and Me" and I think he would make an excellent column subject just like Marley ....from eating my wedding bouquets, to being put in jail...he is a treat!! Boomer (aka boons) has been the best medicine for Moe. He is a great little brother, and puts up with alot from Moe. And Ken what more can you say then he is KEN!!! :D 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some of My Favorite Things...

I had fun with this topic, the only problem I had was limiting it to four. The only one I wanted to add that I didn't was my camera, because I didn't know how I wanted to take a picture of it, probably with me and the camera but I didn't want to do my hair, lol! So here are four of my favorite things, not in any particular order...


Ever since I was little I have loved flowers, and in particular, roses. If you want to know a weird fact about me, I like the feel of rose petals on my lips, weird eh?


Home made oreo cookies and ice milk, can life get sweeter? I deduce that it can not....

My Eternal Companion, no one can make me as mad, sad or happy, and lucky for me he most often makes me euphoric.


My sweet baby boy holding my hand, could I be any more blessed?

There are four of my favorite things, now girls what are yours?

So I think we should have all of our favorite things up by the 14th of February if you girls will. Also I got some suggetions from both of you on what our logo should look like. I think all of us should contribute a couple of ideas that we have made and post them by  the first of March and then we can vote :-) Hope all is well in your necks of the woods...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Jean Fix...UGH

This is the picture before the fix ... .

This is the picture after the fix....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Ok my Chicklets, I vote that we put our Traditions pictures on this site and now I have a NEW challenge for you! (Just so you know if you have your own challenge you can suggest it, I just stay up later because my day doesn't start as early and THIS is my homework, not marking papers and coloring new centers and making lesson plans and, and,... I know the list goes on and on). The new challenge is to photograph 4 of your favorite things. It doesn't have to be your MOST favorite just 4 of your favorite things, food, animals, people, places, ANYTHING! Anyone have any sugguestions on how long it should take???
Also I have a question for you two on Photoshop Elements how do you light up an image without losing detail, I took some pics of the Corbynator and some of them turned out a bit dark, when I try to lighten them they lose detail....
I am so excited about this little club, thanxs so much girls for being so good with my crazy ideas.... I am in the process of making little 'club cards' just for us but I need your addresses. OH  and do you guys have any 'logo' in mind for this club... like a symbol. When I was in Ireland they had these knots (celtic knots, I am sure you have heard of them) I was thinking about maybe a three pronged knot as a symbol of us three who started the club, any other ideas or sugestions?

Happy Face! :)

Good deal, good deal! My crappy computer likes this much better! Props!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I came on tonight to try and add a background and no such luck, Prindle you are the only one who can add a background and do those kinds of things, which is fine with me :-)! Did you add Anna yet? and I talked to Karmyn (my friend from home) she wants to be apart of it too! So I will get her email address to you!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog Authors

This should work for all of us that are blog authors! Hope so!

Just Checking it out!

Deana you seriously ROCK!