Monday, February 15, 2010

Some Logos

So I HATE to post the day after Anna posted but my sis in Love is coming to visit this week and I am afraid if I don't get these up, I wont get them up by my 'deadline'. Deana I tried to 'play' with film in a celtic knot and I am just not that cool, so I used a template of a knot and played with it. Anna I couldn't remember all that we had talked about whether the heads should be facing in or out, obviously these are just ideas. Also ever since the I found out that the Corbinator was going to be a boy I have been obsessed with pink, these logos can be any color you guys want. Please let me  know what you think!

PS Sorry that the Lady Bugs are so big, the template of the celtic knot was really small, I might be able to make it bigger, but I am just learning..





Sunday, February 14, 2010

About Stinkin' Time. . . I Know :)

Well let's just cut to the chase and get on with the pictures of some of my favorites!

This was the best I could get as I ran out the door to work the other morning. It was absolutely beautiful the way the frost on the trees glistened in the sun. While I am totally sick of snow, this is beautiful.

I love my Scentsy warmer! You have no idea how much (don't discredit the amount of love because of the amount of dust). This is a glorious friend in the classroom as my children can be fairly stinky on a day to day basis, and it clears the air, so to speak! It's best on the days that they have PE and then recess back to back!

Ok, so this is totally a combination of two favs. My dog Bruno, of course! And sleep! Observe that he's in my bed, with his head on my pillow. I wasn't sure how to photograph sleep in a manner that pleased me, so this is an all encompassing photo. I do love my Bruny as naughty as he is, he makes me laugh and keeps me company!

And of course my self proclaimed obsession with Diet Dr. Pepper! My students know my love of this drink and know it is truly a vice. . . they bring me bouquets of Diet Dr. Pepper, and even feed my addiction by retrieving me a can out of my small refrigerator in my classroom. Oh and you have to love that the teacher's pop machine feeds my addiction as well! This is my coffee.