Ok I actually have THREE new assignments, but the first two are for your benefit. If you want you can post them, but you don’t have to. The third I totally want posted.
The first assignment has to do with aperture. If you have already done this before than do worry about it. Put your camera in manual mode and set the shutter speed to any speed you want, I suggest around 1/60 or 1/80 but it doesn’t really matter. Then set up a few items at different distances from you… I used M&Ms and I sat them along the counter going away from me when I did it. Then start at your lowest aperture setting and take a picture at each aperture, then compare your pictures and what is in focus when.
The second assignment is just the opposite. Put your camera in manual mode again (I suggest doing this one outside). Set one aperture size, I suggest around 7 to 14, and then start at the highest shutter speed and take a picture at each speed until you get to one second.
The third assignment (the one I want posted), is to take a pictures of colors… either your favorite color, or just a color that caught your eye, it can be abstract or not. Whatever you would like really. Try if you can to fill as much of the frame as possible with the color.
And that’s about it! Thanks girls!
PS I am going to Canada for a couple of weeks and my parents don’t have internet… seriously they are nearly hobbit people… so I might not be able to post until I get back, but I will see what I can do!