Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kashina’s Rant

Ok I have a serious question for you gals… Does it drive you crazy when you have spent HOURS making something look right in a picture on your computer and THEN when you print the picture it doesn’t look anything like it did on your computer? OR even you look at the picture you spent hours working on, on someone else’s computer and it looks horrible on the other computer? Drive me crazy?!


Go to that ‘site’ it is on facebook, does that picture look yellow to you on your computer or is it just me? I am sure that person spent time and energy making that picture look fabulous on their own computer, yet on mine it looks like crap! So would you PLEASE let me know when you see a flaw on one of my pictures, chances are I can’t see it on my own computer!

Ok now that my rant is over!!! How are you guys doing with your picture needs/wants/abilities? I am asking Santa for a better lighting system for Christmas, but I don’t know which one to get any ideas? It can’t be too expensive, Santa is a stinge when he is in Dental School :-)

Also, go check out my site I just put up a new family session, aren’t they cute? The middle child didn’t want to be there, but I don’t think most boys like getting their picture taken… truth be known I don’t much like getting my picture taken, I just like memories and my mind on its own doesn’t remember like a camera does.

I hope you guys are doing wonderfully… we need to have another assignment or something we can work on in our different parts of the world to bring us together a bit more… I am working on a few photography props for the new baby, if they EVER get done I will post some pictures of them!



Monday, November 8, 2010

Senior Shoot

So I had the opportunity to take some pictures of my friend's son Zack. This is Zack. He is a senior this year at Hillcrest Highschool here in good ol Ammon. Which mind you we are currently sitting under like 5 inches of snow and it just keeps coming. Anyway...we took these seriously on Tuesday...and it snowed Sunday...UGH. Well while playing with these pictures...I played with the program, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3. If you have never played with that before you should!!! It is a program where you can create a set of pre-made adjustments called a "preset". Then when you upload your photos, this program automatically applies those adjustments to your photos! Fabulous. If you haven't played with it...write me a post and I will show you where to get your free trial and lots of tutorials! Enjoy some of the pics!